Wednesday, 26 March 2014

The Make-Up Room: DARK EYES & LIPS

In today's seminar we were practicing dark eyes and lips to get us inspired for our gothic horror characters that we will be creating in the coming weeks.  We were creating a cat eye, winged effect on the eyes and perfecting our lip techniques.

- To create the cat eye effect, line the top eye lid with eyeliner
- Continue the line further than the lid, creating a wing effect and thicken the line to make it more prominent
- Fill the rest of the eyelid with a dark eyeshadow, taking it no further than the crease of the lid
- Get your model to look up with her eyes and line the bottom lash line with eyeliner
- Join the bottom eyeliner to the top winged eyeliner, making sure there are no gaps
- Finish by applying mascara to the eyelashes

- When applying a base, make sure you cover the edge of the lips so that you can create the lip shape yourself
- Start with the top lip and line the cupid's bow
- When connecting the top of the cupid's bow to the outer corners of the lips, you want to make them slightly arched rather than dipped -> this will make them look fuller
- With the bottom lip, start with the straight line at the bottom making sure that you carry this no further than the edges of the cupid's bow
- When connecting to the outer corners, you want to make sure that the lip line doesn't curve in towards the inner of the lip or that it isn't too rounded in the opposite direction either

EVALUATION: I found this exercise useful, though difficult.  I didn't find it easy when trying to get the eyes matching, as the angles of the wings were always slightly different.  The lip technique I found easier, but then I was lucky as my model had quite even lips already.  These techniques are definitely something that I need to practice some more.

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