Tuesday, 25 February 2014

Miss Havisham - Assessment One

This term our assessments are based on continuity and how well we can recreate a look to make it look exactly the same.  Above are the images from the first part of my assessment, and the ones that I will work from in two weeks when I have to recreate my Miss Havisham character.
I felt that the assessment went quite well, as I kept within the time frame and the make-up and hair came out as I had planned within my designs.  The make-up was the part that I found easiest to achieve as I wanted it.  This was because my design was fairly simple and involved some contouring and redness around the eyes, finishing with DUO lash glue on the lips to make the chapped, and vaseline under the eyes to make it look like she had been crying.  However my hair design was not as simple to replicate, as I had not anticipated how much hair my model actually had and how thick it was.  Therefore it took slightly longer than I had thought to put up into the desired style, though once I got my head around how to work with my model's hair it all went quite well I think.

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