When developing my hair designs for my Miss Havisham character, I took into consideration the research that I had done. Having looked at other ways in which Miss Havisham has been portrayed in the past by other artists and stylists, I decided that I want my Miss Havisham character to be heartbroken and dishevelled after being jilted at the alter. Within her life, I imagine her as a couple of years after her wedding day. To show this through my hair design, I want to create something beautiful, with a strong shape, but I want it to be pulled apart a bit and slightly decayed, in order to show that breakdown that she would have gone through.
Design 1:
For this hairstyle, I have designed two rolls in the hair; one at the back of the head and one at the nape of the neck, two twists going back over the top roll and ringlet curls either side of the face to frame it. To create this design, I would begin by separating the hair into two sections, the top section being slightly bigger than the bottom. I would then use padding to create the top roll of hair, leaving the bits of hair separate for the twists and curls. Once securing that with hair pins, I would use padding again to create the bottom roll of hair. Then I would twist the two pieces of hair back over the top roll and secure, before creating the ringlet curls either side of the face. To finish the hairstyle off, I would place a decaying flower in between the two rolls, in order to reflect Miss Havisham; feminine and once pretty, yet slowly falling apart.
Design 2:
For this hairstyle, I have designed a similar idea to the first. With this design, I have created two rolls of hair, but they would appear as one big hair roll, unlike the first idea. I have also used ringlet curls, however they would be at the nape of the neck this time. To create this design, I would begin by separating the hair into two sections. I would then take the top section and backcomb the roots to give the hair volume. Then I would roll the ends of the hair around my fingers and tuck underneath the section, lifting it as I secure it with hair grips. I'd then take the bottom section and do the same thing, leaving a smaller section of hair at the nape of the neck for the curls. I'd pin the two sections together with 'v' shaped hair grips and curl the pieces of hair at the nape of the neck using heated tongs. To finish the look, I would place two decaying flowers where the two rolls join, and pull bits of the hair out and backcomb it more in order to 'decay' the hairstyle.
Design 3:
For this hairstyle, I have kept it quite simple by designing a bun at the back of the head, with lots of curls and volume either side of the face to frame it. To create this design, I would begin by curling the whole head of hair to give the hairstyle more texture. I would then separate the front sections of hair from the main piece of hair, and backcomb the roots of the main section in order to give it volume before making the bun. To produce the bun, I would pull the hair back into a ponytail and separate that into 4 smaller sections. Taking each section at a time, I would roll the ends of the hair around my fingers and roll it toward the scalp and pin securely. To finish off the hairstyle, I would backcomb the curly sections of hair either side of the face and pull the bun apart a bit to give it more of a dishevelled look.
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